What is Community Philosophy?

From charities, the arts & public services to social enterprises, businesses and education providers, all kinds of organisations now recognise the value of Community Philosophy. #communityphilosophy

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I am particularly interested in helping people develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to undertake their own Community Philosophy-inspired work. Central to this is Community Philosophy Facilitator Training, typically a two-day course that covers the background, theory and practice of Community Philosophy. Graduates of this training often contribute to a loose network which aims to support practitioners and bring their work to the attention of a wider audience.

Philosophy Walks

Philosophy Walks are a marriage of my interests in Community Philosophy and outdoor learning. They can be employed by your company or organisation as Away Days, for team-building, as a research activity, or purely for interest and pleasure.

Some examples of ‘Past Events’ 


Community Philosophy workshops are diverse in nature; some involve the facilitation of philosophical enquiries, others use other philosophical tools chosen to reflect the needs, interests and aspiration of the particular group or organisation. These include critical thinking workshops, concept mapping and analysis, and activities that help explore language, policy, and questions of meaning and value, particularly in relation to challenging conversations and to explore controversial issues.

Featured In

Country Walking

August 2018


Professional Development for Outdoor Practioners

The Philosopher Magazine

Community Philosophy Article

For an introduction to the emergence of Community Philosophy, and how it empowers people to be active citizens and to generate ideas at a grassroots level, see this short video.

Get In Touch 

 For more writing by Graeme Tiffany you can visit the blog on his website here 

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